Monday, June 9, 2008

week one!

CSA season has begun! After months of anticipation the first shares finally arrived. Mike & Clare provided us with a beautiful assortment of produce which included spinach, Flashy Troutback lettuce, radishes, kale, arugula, green garlic, and mizuna. Rarely have I been faced with that many different types of greens at one time. As I talked to different people throughout the week, I found that people were finding all sorts of creative ways to use their greens: sautéed, raw, in sauces, soups, and on sandwiches.

The clear favorites from this week seemed to be the arugula and the radishes. Crunchy, earthy radishes! They're delicious on their own with a little salt or even better sliced and placed on a piece of crusty bread with butter and herbs (rosemary works great).

This week has required a different way of eating for me, necessitating a more thoughtful and deliberate approach to what I should prepare and eat each night. So far I am finding that challenge to be very rewarding. A daily exercise that forces me to consider not only the possibilites for the produce but where it came from as well. And now, as I stare at a nearly empty fridge I can’t wait for the next share to arrive!

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