Saturday, July 12, 2008

big food big problems?

You can call it a fad, a craze, a flash in the pan, but I think the idea of eating locally is here to stay. Especially in light of the recent salmonella outbreak which now boasts over 1000 related illnesses, the largest ever salmonella outbreak, as well as the frequent meat recalls. By now we’ve all heard about the possible salmonella tainted tomatoes, or was it peppers or maybe cilantro or maybe basil that have affected people in nearly every state and in multiple countries around the world.

Receiving far less news coverage but equally disturbing was the 530,000 pound ground beef recall from a meat processing plant in Nebraska which took place just a few weeks ago. Maybe this recent recall received so little press because we are fresh off of the largest beef recall in US history, 143 Million pounds, which was linked to a firm in California earlier this year. The question that I’m wondering is, has our food gotten more unsafe or am I just more aware of this kind of news now.

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