Saturday, July 26, 2008

week 8!

We're finally getting around to using our meat share. On Saturday night we used the sausage on homemade pizzas and it was fantastic! We were so inspired, in fact, that we defrosted the rib eye steaks for dinner this week.

Heath used a basic salt/pepper/garlic salt rub and then marinated the meat for a bit in steak sauce before throwing the steaks on the grill. They were superb! Extremely moist and flavorful.

This week's vegetable share brought us swiss chard, green beans, green onions, chives, garlic and cherries! So, we decided to pair the rib eyes with a grilled potato, chive, mushroom and onion mix. The potatoes and chives came from this week's veggie share. It was a simple summer meal and it was delicious.

On a side note, we also put our CSA cherries to good use in a simple apple/cherry crisp. It's amazing how fruit, topped with a little brown sugar, butter and oats can taste so darn good!

[This post submitted by Thais]

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